June 8 2010 Minutes

Meeting Minutes 06/08/2010

Present: Sylvia Martinez (IRS), Dave Gilbreath (CCCSY), Steve Loeb (VISTA) Chris Bonnser (DSHS), Luz Gutierrez (RCDR), Michelle Smith (CCU), Sharynn Hosier (CCU), Matt Duffy (AmericanWest Bank), Sue Ford (US Bank), Michelle Besso (NW Justice Project) David Hacker (Yakima County), Sharynn Hosier (CCU)

Agenda: The agenda was approved with no changes.

Minutes: The Apr 20, 2010 minutes were approved as written.

Operations/training: There have been instances of tellers not knowing about the program. Have they all been notified? Tellers will be reminded of program’s existence. Some people were upset when they attempted to open an account and learned that they still have to pay prior balances back, or that there was a minimum account balance. Some people thought that Bank On Yakima County was a financial institution.

Tracking: Discussion about the value of tracking referral sources occurred. Should we keep track of where social service referrals come from and their performance? Web options for doing this discussed.

Marketing: Marketing campaign reviewed. Newspapers will be contacted to do a story. Marketing materials disbursed to those who need more. Disclaimer on ads that inform about the need to pay off prior balances were discussed. Giving presentations to social service agencies was discussed —- Sue Ford and Sharynn agreed to do it. Steve will set up appointments. We want to gather success stories from clients. Isabel Garcia offered to go on TV in Eng and Span to talk about the program. Union Gospel Mission needs materials.

Financial Literacy: Checkwise classes are available and the schedule is posted on the Bank on website, www.bankonyakima.org. RCDR classes in Spanish will be the last Wednesday of every month. Summer is a poor time for attendance. Incentive program may increase attendance if we can get funding for it. It was agreed on to try to promote financial literacy classes through social service agencies more.

Bank on Washington Update: Dave and Steve attended a statewide Bank On meeting in Seattle. They are trying to get together funding to launch a statewide initiative. The Bank on Yakima and procedures have generated interest on a statewide level.

Other: Craig Nolte, Regional Manager, San Francisco Federal Reserve, met with Dave on June 7th to discuss our progress with Bank on Yakima County. He was complimentary of our efforts and stated he would like to arrange a meeting (including a meal) to discuss the advantages of the Bank on initiative in helping banks meet their Community Reinvestment requirements.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, July 13 at 7:30AM at CCU Boardroom.